Denver Retail Store Accident Lawyer

Denver Retail Store Accident Attorney Serving Colorado
Slip and fall accidents, also referred to as premises liability accidents, are responsible for many injuries in Colorado each and every year. Victims can be left to deal with broken bones, sprains, back injuries, or even head injuries. If you have suffered a slip and fall accident, you understand how suddenly they can happen and how quickly they can change your life forever. Contact one of our Denver slip and fall attorneys for help today.
There Are Many Reasons for Slip and Fall Accidents:
- Perhaps inclement weather has allowed snow, ice, or rain water to be tracked into an entryway,
- Maybe another customer carelessly spilled a drink, or
- The store may have inadequate lighting, loose floor mats, or a recently waxed floor.
Every business that opens its doors to the public has a duty to keep their property reasonably safe from hazards. If a store fails in this duty, and a customer has a slip and fall accident, the business could be liable for injuries sustained by the customer. The following conditions must be met in order to demonstrate negligence on the part of the store:
- A hazardous situation existed, and the store failed to resolve the situation,
- The hazardous situation must have existed long enough for the store to be aware of it and have a reasonable amount of time to fix it, and
- The accident was unavoidable even with the customer's use of reasonable caution.
It is also possible for a store to be responsible for injuries if they created the hazardous condition, such as by mopping a floor and not posting warning signs.
It is important to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible following your accident. This allows important evidence to be preserved and lawsuit deadlines to be met. Under section 13-80-102 of the Colorado revised Statutes, an injured party only has two years to pursue an injury claim against the responsible party.
Regardless of the Cause, the Subsequent Injuries Can Be Painful and Traumatic
Injuries from slip and fall accidents can vary in their severity. Some common injuries, such as bruises, abrasions, and broken bones, may require little medical treatment, and they may heal quickly. However, some injuries can be more severe, requiring long-term treatment. These injuries can even lead to permanent disability and chronic pain for the victim. Neck, back, spinal cord, and brain injuries can lead to debilitating conditions and even wrongful death. If you have experienced a slip and fall accident at any type of retail establishment, it is imperative that you see your doctor and have all injuries medically documented—even if they seem minor.
Slip and fall accidents are often some of the hardest-won cases in Colorado. Rarely are they clear-cut. Proving the business's liability for your slip and fall accident can be difficult, but this can be accomplished by an experienced and aggressive slip and fall accident lawyer.
Contact Our Experienced Denver Retail Store Accident Lawyers
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Denver, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Slip and fall accident liability can be difficult to prove, and you need an experienced attorney on your side from the very start. Contact The Gold Law Firm today for a free consultation at 303-694-4653.