Denver Child Sexual Assault Lawyer

Denver Child Sexual Assault Attorney Serving Colorado
One of the most horrendous acts that can happen in our society is the sexual abuse of a child. This perversion of power can scar a young child, affecting their emotional growth and every aspect of their lives. Unfortunately, it is difficult to protect these young victims, especially when their abusers are adults that are often those closest to them, such as family members, educators, caregivers, and even clergy.
Although nothing can detract from the pain this type of abuse can cause, civil lawsuits against the perpetrator can provide compensation for injuries and give a sense of closure for many victims. As Colorado childhood sexual abuse attorneys, The Gold Law Firm is committed to holding responsible parties fully accountable under Colorado law when it comes to paying damages in civil lawsuits deriving from their acts.
Impacts of Sexual Abuse on a Child, Teen, and Adult
The long-reaching impacts of child molestation and sexual abuse can follow victims for the rest of their lives. For children who have been molested by a trusted adult, the road to recovery can last a long time. Many abused children and adult survivors have deep-seated psychological damage, affecting their ability to forge healthy relationships and leading to many other challenges. Some of the common impacts child sexual abuse can have on a victim include:
- Depression
- Anti-social behavior
- Stunted emotional development
- Loss of self-esteem
- Self-abusive behaviors
- Suicidal tendencies
Each victim's circumstances are unique; how they cope is dependent on the support system they have around them. Some victims show immediate signs of emotional damage, whereas other children may not display any symptoms of abuse until years down the road.
Frequency of Child Molestation
It is difficult to know precisely how many children are abused, as these cases are often not reported to authorities. However, the statistics that are verifiable are horrific enough. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Child Maltreatment Survey, around 9.4% of children who were reported as victimized were sexually abused.
This number is almost 1 in 10 children, which is a conservative number, since many children do not report their abuse, especially when the abuser is someone they trust. Studies have also found that around 90% of children who are sexually abused know their abuser.
The Gold Law Firm has represented individuals sexually abused in the following types of cases across Colorado:
- Daycare Child Sex Abuse
- Apartment Complex Child Sex Abuse
- Sexual Abuse of Children by Medical Providers, Therapists, and Doctors
- Sexual Abuse of Children at After School Sports and Programs
- Sports League Child Sex Abuse
Recovering From Child Sexual Abuse
For many victims of sexual abuse as a child, the road to recovery is difficult. Many victims live in silence and pain for years before they confide to anyone about their trauma. The emotional and psychological damage can affect all areas of their lives, from diminished focus in school to difficulty forging healthy relationships. Because of the abuse, these children can grow up to live very different lives than they would have if their childhood had not been taken away through the malicious acts of their abuser.
It is almost impossible to put a price on the costs of child sexual abuse. Survivors of this type of abusive attack have scars that will always be with them, and they have had a piece of their childhood ripped away. Although therapy and counseling can help many victims learn to move past this abuse, the damage that it caused will always be a part of them for the rest of their lives.
Denver Child Sexual Abuse Lawyers Actively Pursuing Claims for Civil Damages
Whatever your circumstances, it is important to know that you are not alone. The Gold Law Firm has represented individuals who were victimized as children by medical providers, religious leaders, school officials, organized group leaders, and others in positions of power. Our Denver sexual abuse attorneys are not just committed to your financial recovery, but in many circumstances, we have helped connect victims with other survivors and with leading counselors. Talk to us to arrange a confidential consultation with an attorney who appreciates your situation. Contact The Gold Law Firm today at 303-694-4653 for a free case review and consultation.
Warning: There are strict time deadlines for filing Colorado child abuse injury lawsuits. Call The Gold Law Firm today to learn more about Colorado laws.