Denver Prison Sexual Assault Lawyer

Denver Prison Sexual Assault Attorney Serving Colorado
According to the Department of Justice, rape and sexual assault of prisoners by staff and other prisoners plague our nation's prison system. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, around 80,000 prisoners are sexually abused each year. While prison is supposed to be punishment, that does not change the fact that prisoners still have rights. When those rights are violated, the institutions that failed to protect those rights should be held accountable. Contact the inmate sexual assault attorneys at The Gold Law Firm today to learn what your legal options are.
It is believed that the 80,000 estimated victims may not accurately reflect the actual number of sexual assaults against those in prison, as many assaults are not reported. Other less official surveys report that at least one out of every 20 people in the U.S. prison system is raped or sexually assaulted. It is clear that prison authorities are not doing enough to prevent such serious crimes and that prison officials must enforce their no-tolerance policy on sexual abuse.
Vulnerable Prisoners
Some prisoners are more vulnerable to sexual assault within prison walls than others. Prisoners who are young, those who are gay, those who are physically small or weak, those who are first offenders, and those who have been convicted of a sex crime against a child are at a particular risk of sexual assault. Five of the 10 prison facilities with the highest rates of sexual assaults are in Texas—a state that has both an overcrowded prison system as well as a long history of prison violence. One prison in Nebraska had the highest reported rates of staff-on-inmate sexual assault: 12.2 percent.
Different groups in prisons use sexual intimidation and physical violence to assert control and dominance, and vulnerable populations such as LGBTQ prisoners face an increased risk of sexual assault. A prisoner who is sexually assaulted has few options; however, they can file a PREA complaint by telling a staff member or by writing a letter to the Department of Justice. This action should result in a swift response from prison officials, protecting both the victim and others who could be victimized by the perpetrator.
Contact Our Denver Prison Sexual Assault Victim Attorneys
If someone you love has been the victim of sexual assault in prison, it is important to know that you have rights. Our Denver sexual assault victim attorneys believe in victims' rights, and we believe in fighting aggressively for all our clients. To learn more about your legal rights, contact The Gold Law Firm today for a free consultation at 303-694-4653.