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Hours of Service Violations in Colorado Truck Accidents

 Posted on July 26,2024 in Truck Accidents

CO injury lawyerAmerica is extremely large, but we can be all the way on the West Coast and enjoy goods from the East Coast and vice versa. Additionally, people living deep in the heart of the country can receive things that are imported from other parts of the world and brought here via sea ports. All of this is possible thanks to the trucking industry. The benefits of transporting goods by truck are plain to see. However, the damage that can occur when a truck is involved in a collision can be devastating. There are many possible causes for truck accidents, and sometimes no one is to blame. However, truck companies sometimes encourage their drivers to neglect safety regulations, and this can have fatal consequences. One issue that is often a focus of truck accident investigations is hours of service violations. If you were injured in a truck accident and you suspect this type of violation was involved, speak with a skilled Denver, CO personal injury attorney who can review your case and explain your options.

What are Hours of Service Regulations?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has a set of guidelines known as hours of service regulations, whose aim is to ensure that truck drivers are not too tired to drive safely. The regulations specify how long someone can drive and when they need to take rest breaks or be otherwise off duty.

Some truck companies encourage their drivers to violate hours of service regulations. Even if they do not say so outright, they might offer incentives for getting to farther destinations quicker. However, these violations increase the risk of fatigue-related accidents. Driver fatigue can impair reaction times, decision-making abilities, and overall alertness, making accidents more likely. A truck accident can result in severe injuries or even fatalities, often leaving victims and their families with long-term physical, emotional, and financial burdens.

Among other things, victims of truck accidents caused by HOS violations can seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Denver, CO Truck Accident Attorney

If you were injured in a truck accident and suspect hours of service violations were involved, speak with an experienced Denver, CO personal injury lawyer. In addition to getting you compensation for your expenses that resulted from the accident, holding the trucking company accountable can help prevent similar things from happening in the future. Let The Gold Law Firm handle the legal proceedings so you can focus on your recovery. Call us at 303-694-4653 to schedule a free consultation.

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