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Is Buzzed Driving Legal?

 Posted on April 08,2022 in Uncategorized

Many drivers in Denver get behind the wheel of a car because they do not believe that they are drunk. They believe that they are simply buzzed. However, for legal purposes, buzzed driving might be drunk driving. Even if your blood alcohol content is not above the legal limit, you can still face consequences for driving impaired. Even worse, buzzed driving impacts your ability to drive carefully, making you a danger to yourself and everyone around you.

Is Buzzed Driving Against the Law?

Driving while buzzed is not technically against the law in Colorado. However, if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .05% or higher, you can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI). The legal limit for DUI in Colorado is .08%. So, if you are caught driving with a BAC of .05% or .06%, you will likely not be charged with DUI. However, you may still be subject to other penalties, such as a driver's license suspension.

Buzzed driving is often referred to as "driving while impaired" (DWI). DWI laws vary from state to state, but usually involve a lower BAC threshold than DUI laws. In Colorado, the DWI threshold is .02%. This means that if you are caught driving with a BAC of .02% or higher, you can be charged with DWI. The penalties for DWI are usually less severe than those for DUI, but you may still face a driver's license suspension.

If the police believe that the amount of alcohol you drank impaired your ability to drive safely, then they can - and will - press charges. These charges can significantly impact your driving record, your freedom, and your future.

If you get into an accident while you are driving buzzed, then the victims of that accident will point to the alcohol in your system as evidence of misconduct. This can result in you facing significantly higher penalties and consequences for your actions. You may face vehicular assault charges as a result.

If you are buzzed, the best course of action is to simply call a taxi or Uber to get home. It is not worth the risk of getting pulled over and facing potential legal penalties. In addition, the risk of harming yourself or another person is not worth it.

What to Do If You are Hurt by a Buzzed Driver?

If you are hurt in an accident by a buzzed driver, it is important to know that Colorado law is on your side. You have a right to seek compensation for the damages you suffered. To do this, it is best to contact an experienced Denver car accident attorney. Your attorney can get the BAC results and police report to start building your case.

Insurance companies will try to fight these claims as aggressively as they can. However, with the right legal help, you can obtain the money you need to pay for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Call The Gold Law Firm today. We can meet with you for a FREE and 100% confidential evaluation to answer all your questions. Call us today for a free consultation at 303-694-4653. With offices in Denver, Brush, Durango, and Loveland, we are here to help you.

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