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My Lyft Driver Crashed While Texting. Can I Sue Lyft?

 Posted on May 20,2024 in Uncategorized

Denver, CO rideshare accident lawyerThe popularity of ridesharing has grown fast over the last decade. Companies like Uber and Lyft offer billions of rides worldwide each year, driven by millions of drivers. In 2022, Lyft reported having over 20 million active users and more than 45 million riders just in the United States.

But with more rides comes more accidents. Ridesharing companies have been responsible for a more than 3% increase in car accidents. In 2021, Uber and Lyft drivers were involved in 1,098 crashes in Boston alone.

This increase in rideshare accidents has sparked a flurry of legal questions, such as:

  • Are rideshare companies responsible for their drivers?

  • Is the rideshare company held accountable in a car accident, or is the driver?

  • What if the driver was texting while driving, also known as distracted driving?

  • Are drivers considered employees or independent contractors?

Questions like these can be best answered by a rideshare accident attorney. This article will discuss whether you can sue Lyft for a collision caused by a Lyft driver who was driving distractedly.

Can I Sue Lyft for an Accident?

Whether you can sue Lyft at all is the first question. Lyft drivers are independent contractors, not employees. This means that Lyft does not have the same accountability for their drivers as if they were employees. Furthermore, the vehicles belong to the drivers, not Lyft.

But as in any personal injury case, Lyft can be held responsible if it can be proven that the company was negligent. In other words, you would need to prove that the company did not take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of its riders. 

What if My Driver Was Texting While Driving?

If you were involved in a collision because your Lyft driver was texting while driving, then the driver will most likely be the one responsible. However, you may have a claim against Lyft if you can prove that the company failed to take basic precautions. If, for example, Lyft hired a driver with a poor driving record or did not train the driver sufficiently, that can be considered negligence.

How Can I Sue Lyft?

Even if the company was negligent, it is difficult to get to the stage of actually suing Lyft. This is because Lyft takes out an insurance policy for each driver, as required by Colorado law, for up to $1 million. Therefore, your claim against Lyft may go something like this:

  • First, you file a claim against Lyft.

  • If you have a strong case, Lyft’s insurance company will try to settle with you.

  • If the damages exceed the amount in the insurance policy, then the case may go to arbitration where your attorney will argue on your behalf.

Contact a Denver, CO Rideshare Accident Attorney

If you were injured in an accident involving a Lyft driver who was driving distractedly, you first need to determine who is at fault. The right Denver, Colorado rideshare accident lawyer can be the difference between having no claim or walking away with compensation. At The Gold Law Firm, we are highly experienced in rideshare accident cases and have collected over $100 million for our clients. Let us handle your case and we will aggressively fight to get you the best result possible. Call 303-694-4653 for a free consultation today.

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