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Why Are Head-On Collisions So Deadly?

 Posted on October 21,2024 in Car Accidents

CO Injury lawyerIn a recent El Paso County, CO crash, a pickup truck heading west crossed into oncoming eastbound traffic. The resulting head-on collision killed one driver and seriously injured the other. Head-on crashes typically produce severe injuries, but have you ever wondered why?

Understanding the deadly nature of these car accidents may help you avoid them. If you are injured in a head-on collision, you can rely on a trusted lawyer from The Gold Law Firm to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Why Do Head-On Crashes Produce Severe Injuries?

Suppose two cars are traveling in opposite directions on a two-lane road at 55 mph. If one of those cars hits the other vehicle in a head-on crash, the impact force is doubled and is like a 110-mph crash into a stationary object. Even at lower speeds, the combined impact force can cause catastrophic injuries.

A vehicle’s engine compartment can crumple, pinning drivers and front-seat passengers. If occupants are not using seatbelts, they may be ejected from the car. Sudden deceleration upon impact can rupture, shift, or tear organs. It can also push bodies forward, causing the head and neck to sustain blunt force impact, potentially leading to brain and spinal cord injuries. Multiple broken bones, facial injuries caused by impact with the steering wheel or broken windshield glass, burns, and seatbelt injuries are also common.

Why Do Head-On Collisions Happen?

Accidents can happen for multiple reasons. Head-on collisions are rare, but when they occur, it is often because of:

  • Distracted drivers who do not realize they are drifting across lane dividing lines into oncoming traffic
  • Drivers who decide to pass other vehicles without checking to see if the other lane is clear
  • Drivers who are impaired by drugs or alcohol
  • Drivers who are unfamiliar with one-way streets
  • Speeding or driving too fast on slick roads that cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles

Regardless of why these collisions happen, negligent human error is usually behind them. Because negligence is the basis for most personal injury claims, you may be entitled to compensation.

How Much Compensation Can I Receive After a Head-On Collision?

There is no way to answer that question until your attorney from The Gold Law Firm examines case-specific factors, including:

  • Your degree of fault for causing the crash
  • The total of your accident-related expenses
  • The estimated costs of your future medical expenses for injuries sustained in the crash
  • How much money you earn
  • How significantly your accident and injuries impacted your quality of life

We will accurately calculate your damages and work hard to see you collect the highest amount available.

Call Our Skilled Denver, CO Head-On Collision Lawyers Today

If you are injured by someone else’s negligence, you deserve compensation. Call The Gold Law Firm now at 303-694-4653 for your free consultation with our reliable Colorado car accident attorneys.

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