Denver Massage Therapist Sexual Assault Lawyer

Denver Massage Therapist Sexual Assault Attorney Serving Colorado
Massage therapy has long been touted for its health benefits and stress reduction. Massage can help alleviate chronic pain, reduce stress levels, and improve injury rehabilitation. It is no wonder that more than 57 million Americans receive a massage at least once in any given calendar year, according to statistics from the American Massage Therapy Association. Unfortunately, some massage therapists have used their position in massage parlors and therapy centers to sexually assault clients in their care.
Sexual Assault & Massage Envy
In 2017, an investigative report found that nearly 200 women were sexually assaulted while visiting the popular Massage Envy chain across the United States. These women came forward and filed sexual assault lawsuits after they said that their complaints were largely ignored or pushed aside by the company. Even after complaints of sexual assault were filed, the alleged assailants continued to work at Massage Envy, and very little action was taken. As a franchise, Massage Envy did not provide adequate guidance on how sexual assault claims should be handled, allowing a culture of abuse to flourish.
How Does Massage Sexual Assault Occur?
Most massage therapists who sexually assault clients do so gradually over a period of time. They may spend more time massaging areas near the genitals, or they may lightly brush against a person's private parts during a massage. Clients are often reluctant to report this contact, and many may wonder if they simply imagined the contact or if it was a mistake. Even when a client does report an incident with a massage therapist, businesses and spas often fail to investigate the incident thoroughly or perform a follow-up. In some cases, the assault is swept under the rug completely or covered up to avoid bad publicity. As a result, the sexual assault is allowed to continue, putting more clients at risk.
Have You Been a Victim of Sexual Assault by a Massage Therapist?
Being sexually assaulted by a massage therapist is a horrifying ordeal and one that you do not have to face alone. You have a right to seek justice and to recover financial compensation for the mental and emotional pain and suffering you have endured. In addition, your lawsuit can bring much-needed change to the massage industry and protect people from being victimized in the future.
Contact Our Denver Sexual Assault Victims' Rights Attorneys Today
If you or someone you love has been a victim of sexual assault by a massage therapist in Denver or anywhere in the State of Colorado, it is important to know that the law is on your side. You have a right to seek justice and to hold the institution that harbored your abuser responsible for your pain and suffering. At The Gold Law Firm, our Denver sexual assault victims' rights attorneys are passionate about representing survivors of sexual assault. Contact us today for a free consultation at 303-694-4653.