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Lone Tree Man Killed in Single Car Crash

 Posted on July 08, 2011 in Uncategorized

A local Lone Tree county man died after crashing his pickup truck off of Wapsi Avenue. Robert Chamberlain, 23, was traveling just outside of the city limits when he rolled his truck in a single-car accident. Chamberlain was traveling at a higher speed when the incident occurred. According to the Press Citizen and the local Sheriff's department, Chamberlain was ejected from the vehicle and then transported to a nearby hospital. He passed away shortly after from the injuries he sustained from the accident.

Many of the accidents that occur are due to drivers exceeding the speed limits. Speeding is the result of about 40% of all car accidents that occur every year, according to the Transport Roads and Traffic Authority. The faster you travel the higher the risk becomes for death related incident. When traveling at a speed of 85mph you are 32 times more likely to be involved in a serious car accident. By following the appropriate speed limit signs you can help prevent yourself from being involved in a fatal Denver car accident.

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Three Dead in Horrific Denver Rollover Accident

 Posted on June 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

Three people were killed in a Denver rollover accident that occurred at the intersection of 56th Avenue and Havana Street, according to the Denver Post and the Denver Police Department. The six person vehicle was traveling at a high speed when the driver lost control of the car. The automobile flipped several times, causing two passengers to die instantly and another one to pass away shortly after. The other three passengers are suspected to recover soon.

Speeding is one of the top reasons Denver automobile accidents occur, and thousands of deaths occur every year from drivers who exceed the speed limits. In the state of Colorado, anyone who is caught speeding can face many penalties, such as excessive fines and a suspended license (nhtsa.com). In addition, if their reckless driving causes injuries or death to another human being, they can be held liable for any damages and injuries their negligence has caused.

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Three People Injured and One Dead in Denver Three Car Crash

 Posted on May 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

Three people were injured and one killed in a three car accident on I-25, according to the Denver Post. The Denver car accident occurred in the northbound lane near the Downing Street exit. At this moment, the Denver police are still trying to sort out which of the vehicles was traveling the wrong direction and caused the fatal Denver car crash.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 50,430 vehicles involved in fatal crashes in 2008 alone. A large majority of these vehicles (78%) were passenger vehicles and more than 25,000 passenger vehicle occupants were killed in these traffic accidents. Shockingly another 2.35 million more were injured.

If someone you love was killed in a Denver accident due to someone else's negligence, you need an experienced and compassionate Denver wrongful death lawyer on your side. Amidst the tragedy, you may find yourself struggling to pay medical expenses, hospitalization costs, funeral expenses, and more. Denver wrongful death attorney, Gregory Gold can help you hold the negligent party responsible for your loved one's death and receive the monetary support you need for the future. Contact Gregory Gold at The Gold Law Firm today for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION—303-694-4653.

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Illegal Street Racing is the Cause of a Devastating Denver Car Crash

 Posted on April 28, 2011 in Uncategorized

According to News First 5, a serious Denver car accident occurred Friday, April 15, 2011 at the intersection of Academy Boulevard and Constitution Avenue due to street racing. Officers say the driver of a 1997 Dodge viper was racing with a Subaru STI when he lost control of his car, hit the curb, and crashed into a boulder near the Sinclair gas station. It took emergency workers about an hour to get the man out of the car; both he and his 28 year old female passenger were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. The Subaru left the scene; the driver of the Viper faces felony charges. Police say that they do not believe that drinking played a part in the Denver car accident.

Street racing is not only illegal, but it is also extremely dangerous. It puts the lives of pedestrians as well as other Denver-Aurora drivers at risk. In 2001, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that police listed street racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a Denver car accident due to another driver's recklessness or carelessness, you need to contact a Denver car accident lawyer immediately. Denver car accident attorney, Gregory Gold can help you claim reimbursement for injuries, personal property damage, lost wages, and more. Contact Gregory Gold at The Gold Law Firm today for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION—303-694-4653.

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Denver Victims of Traumatic Brain Injuries Have Options

 Posted on March 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

There are days when Justin Moslet feels like a shadow of his former self. After suffering a traumatic brain injury in a bicycle accident, he had to learn to read, talk, and walk again. Through Operation TBI Freedom, he was able to get much of the therapy and assistance he needed, and his wife even takes part in spousal support groups for spouses of traumatic brain injury victims. These programs give victims of TBI the care they need to fully recover from their debilitating injury.

After an accident, victims are often unaware that they have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Some may feel increased anxiety at first, compounded with other problems, such as headaches, memory loss, and coordination loss. Luckily, the City of Denver has many options for those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury after a car crash or other accident. Denver Options focuses on finding therapies and financial relief for TBI victims and has two brain injury programs: Colorado Connections and Operation TBI Freedom. Operation TBI Freedom, in particular, helps soldiers who have suffered a TBI and their families find relief through a variety of services including support groups, housing, counseling, and legal help.If you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury in Denver, it is important to contact a Denver personal injury attorney immediately to review your case. Contact Gregory Gold at the The Gold Law Firm today for a FREE INTITIAL CONSULTATION – 303-694-4653

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Denver Student Killed After Being Hit by Car - Pedestrian Injury Lawyer

 Posted on December 20, 2010 in Uncategorized

This weekend, dozens of people gathered together to remember David Nanney. According to 9 News, Nanney, who was legally blind, was waiting at the bus stop with two of his classmates from the Colorado Center for the Blind when a car suddenly slid on a patch of ice and barreled into them. Nanney pushed the two women out of the way and was critically injured in the process. The women, who were also injured, managed to avoid death due to Nanney's heroics. Unfortunately, David Nanney passed away the next day at a local area Colorado hospital.

While Denver's wintery weather may be beautiful, snow and ice can cause serious and fatal accidents. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, Denver drivers should always slow down when driving in wintery weather. Even roads that have been treated with de-icers can be slippery! Also, never use cruise control when driving in snow or ice and always be sure your tires have good tread.

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Slip and Fall Victim Awarded $15 Million – Denver Injury Attorney

 Posted on November 09, 2010 in Uncategorized

The Denver Post has reported that a Cheyenne truck driver, Holly Averyt, was awarded $15 million from a Weld County jury for injuries suffered "while delivering frozen food to a Greeley Wal-Mart store." Averyt's attorney, Greg Gold, said that "Averyt has undergone four surgeries and is unable to work as a truck driver" due to her injuries. The jury found "that Wal-Mart had failed to use reasonable care to protect Averyt against a danger on its property" and awarded her millions of dollars for non-economic, economic and physical impairment losses. A spokesperson for Wal-Mart, Greg Rossiter, said that they might appeal the verdict.

A slip and fall victim should notify the authorities and seek medical attention immediately. Injuries to the back and spine often go unnoticed after a slip and fall accident and can lead to years of chronic back pain and disabilities. If the accident was caused by another person's negligence, have a loved one take a picture of the accident scene, including any dangerous conditions that may have contributed to your accident. This information may be essential for filing a premises liability claim.

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Four Douglas County Teens Hospitalized after Car Accident - Denver Injury Attorney

 Posted on November 02, 2010 in Uncategorized

A one car rollover accident on Highlands Ranch Parkway sent 4 teenage boys to area hospitals on Monday night. The Denver Post has reported that two of the four passengers were not wearing seat belts and were ejected from the car. The westbound lanes of the Parkway were closed for 4 hours while emergency crews investigated and cleaned up the accident. At this time, the names of the boys, their conditions, and the cause of the accident are not being released.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. Teens. In 2009, nearly "3,000 teens in the United States aged 15-19 were killed and more than 350,000 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes." Drivers from this age group are "four times more likely" to crash than older drivers.

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Settlement for Slip and Fall Case could cost Denver $68K

 Posted on September 28, 2010 in Uncategorized

The city council of Denver will meet Monday night to determine "whether to pay a $68,500 settlement to Joan Siudzinski" who slipped on a patch of black ice at the city-owned Wellshire Golf Course in November of 2008. According to a story posted by The Denver Channel (7News), the lawsuit claims that the golf course staff failed to de-ice the sidewalk near the pro shop entrance, thus allowing a "dangerous" situation that caused Siudzinski's permanent shoulder injury. The lawsuit further claims that Siudzinski suffered loss of wages as well as "emotional pain and suffering" due to the fall.

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), slip and fall accidents are the number 2 leading cause of injuries and Workers Compensation claims every year. They are the number 1 cause of accidents in homes, hotels, restaurants and public buildings. Some 25,000 people are injured from slip and fall accidents every day, over 9 million a year.

Many slip and fall accidents are due to no fault of the victim. As with the story above, such falls are the direct result of the conditions of the floor or ground surface where the accident has occurred. If you or someone you know has been injured due the neglected conditions of a floor or ground surface, you need to speak to an experienced Denver personal injury attorney who can assist you with all your legal options. You may be entitled to money from an insurance policy you are not aware of. You may want to file a complaint or lawsuit against those responsible for your fall. Greg Gold is a Colorado attorney who can help. Contact him today at 303-694-4653.

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Plea Deal Possible for Driver in Fatal RTD Crash – Denver Personal Injury Attorney

 Posted on September 01, 2010 in Uncategorized

A plea deal seems to be in the works for a contracted RTD driver who ran a red light and struck several other vehicles in April. According to The Denver Post, 2 people were killed and 11 others injured in the accident. Tidenekiyalsh Hawariyat, 30, was "charged with two counts of careless driving resulting in death and 11 counts of careless driving resulting in injury." All of the charges are misdemeanors in the state of Colorado. The Denver District Attorney's Office has elected to delay action on the possible agreement "because prosecutors have not been able to brief all the accident victims on terms of the deal."

The Research and Innovative Technology Administration at the Bureau of Transportation Statistics reports that there were 51,554 bus accidents in 2006. That adds up to nearly 6 bus accidents every hour in this country, proving that passengers are at risk of injury no matter the mode of transportation.

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